In recent years, asana has gained popularity as a tool for cultivating strength and flexibility. Yet its full potential and meaning extends far beyond its physical benefits. In the seventh session (sutras 2:46–2:48) of the Practice of the Yoga Sutra Book Club, Ishan Tigunait explores asana as a fundamental step toward the bigger goal of yoga—cultivating a peaceful flow of inward awareness. Find out how asana practice is a gateway to a deeper connection to prana (life force), and how pranic awareness then becomes a gateway to a joyful, stable journey inward.

To prepare for the next session, please read sutras 2:49–2:55 in Pandit Tigunait’s The Practice of the Yoga Sutra: Sadhana Pada.

Further Reading

The Practice of the Yoga Sutra: Sadhana Pada

by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD

In the second book in his series of commentaries on the Yoga Sutra, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD elaborates on Patanjali’s succinct and straightforward plan to transcend pain and embrace lasting happiness. He points out the obstacles, both known and unknown, that prevent us from creating and living the life we dream of, and assures us that we are destined to discover our pure being and experience lasting joy.

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Practice of the Yoga Sutra Book Club