What Is Meditation?


Meditation is a central pillar of any yoga practice, but the conscription of the term meditation by religions and popular science can leave us confused about the actual process and its goals. In this two-part series, Swami Rama explores the common misconceptions around meditation and highlights the profound benefits a steady practice can have on our life. With patience, persistence, and inner focus, learn how you can experience “the greatest of all enjoyments” and find a path to turiya, the state beyond.

2-Part Series

What Meditation Is—and Isn’t

Meditation teaches one how to be; it is an inward method for knowing oneself on all levels and for experiencing the higher levels of consciousness. Meditation Is Not . . . But meditation does not...

Meditation: Joy in the Heart of Silence

The method of meditation is an inward process that leads one to the fountain of life and light. This is the center of consciousness, from where consciousness flows in various degrees and grades. A human...