Mindful Resilience has been successfully integrated into mental health and addiction treatment programs for veterans and active-duty military across the US and Canada. Outlined here you will find a course description, benefits of the programs, and a course schedule. The course schedule is listed on the bottom of the page and is updated regularly to reflect new classes.

In This Training, You Will Explore:
  • The development, course, and consequences of trauma-related disorders
  • The psychotherapeutic treatment of trauma-related disorders and how yoga fits into an integrative treatment approach
  • Special considerations and cautions when providing yoga therapy to veterans and other trauma-affected individuals
  • Specific practices, guiding principles, and resources found to be helpful for veterans coping with trauma, including a detailed treatment manual with an empirically informed, clinically tested 12-week protocol, and access to a downloadable electronic copy (pdf) of the Mindful Resilience Yoga for Veterans Recovering from Trauma practice guide.
  • Mindful Resilience for Recovery and Resilience is an evidence-informed, clinically tested yoga program that was developed specifically for veterans recovering from post-traumatic stress and other psychological difficulties. It is evidence-informed, in that practices have been chosen and adapted based on clinical and neuro-scientific knowledge about post-traumatic stress and its treatment. Clinical testing was based on feedback from hundreds of veterans and active-duty service members receiving treatment at residential and outpatient treatment programs.
  • This Veterans Yoga Project training consists of a balance of practice and lecture/discussion. At the end of the training, participants will understand the symptoms of post-traumatic stress and other trauma-related disorders, how those symptoms are related to underlying neurobiology, and how to use this understanding to most effectively teach individuals recovering from trauma.

Featured image photo credit: Robert Sturman