Are you ready to befriend your emotions through mindful self-compassion?

Do you ever feel blocked from receiving generosity and kindness?
Cultivate gratitude, knowing you are worthy of love and belonging.

“It has always been difficult for me to slow down — to remove the sense of urgency and just… be. It was lovely being able to do that, and I feel confident that I can continue practicing mindfulness moving forward. I had never been on a yoga retreat before, and it exceeded all of my expectations. I had a truly (truly!) wonderful experience. Thank you so much for your kindness along the way!”

—Casey S

  • Integrate mindfulness practices for compassion and gratitude.
  • Practice gentle, flowing yoga asana and breathing to build resilience.
  • Immerse yourself within a welcoming yoga community.
  • Learn self-care strategies to shift from overwhelm to tenderness.
  • Receive guided deep relaxation to release tension.
  • Awaken self-compassion from within, through the RAINS protocol.
  • Journal to embrace your feelings with curiosity and compassion.
  • Return home refreshed and receptive to the season ahead.

Our workshop space faces the west side of the campus, which offers exceptional sunset views!
Take time to rest, stroll, enjoy nature, and simply be.


I am keeping this retreat small so that I can connect with each participant. You will have opportunities for creative expression, introspection, and small group listening.

Together we will create spaciousness and embody gratitude.

“Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgment to receiving help, we knowingly or unknowingly attach judgment to giving help.”

—Brené Brown

“Although I can be a bit cynical and was always reluctant to join in this type of activity, life during the pandemic has moved me to be more open. I knew that I could benefit from a self-compassion workshop because, like many others, I am very hard on myself! I was able to slow down and question some of the negative internal constructs holding me back.

The mindfulness, yoga, and breathing are all tools that help me take a step back when I’m overwhelmed. Kate is a compassionate and capable teacher with a great sense of humor! She is very approachable and willing to listen.

I also got to meet new and interesting people after a long and complicated year.”

—Lisa M

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